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First a computer update. I've had no issues since the blue screen about a week ago. The computer probably just needed a break, much like me. Maybe a night out? Go to the bar and have a few drinks with the other computers. :P

You're probably tired of me talking about the weather, but it's still insanely cold. We usually have a handful a super cold days each winter, but they are not usually all at the same time. It's been below -40 c (with wind chill) for the last few days, and it's still that cold today. It's supposed to "warm up" to -20 c (-30 c with wind chill) by tomorrow. It doesn't reach more normal temperatures until next week, and then it's like -8 c.

This week I need to finish Big N Pink Jogger. That will be tomorrow. I am going to try to post more pages of Persephone's Gift on Wednesday. And then it will be TBND 3 on Sunday.



I'm in the mountains in Southern Cali and its been 19-20degress every morning so I feel you!! No snow yet ha