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OK, we have a couple of things to discuss. :)

First, I have added a cover page finally. You can find it as the main image of this post, and I have attached it as its own file below. I have also attached new copies of the files for the first 20 pages that include the new cover.

Second, I have extended the comic by 5 more pages, and I have re-rendered about 15 pages at the end of the comic. Accordingly, I have posted new copies of pages 221-255.

And finally, I tried to post all of Part 5 as a PDF and ZIP but the files are too big for Patreon. I don't see any point in splitting the comic in half and posting new files for that. Instead, you will be able to find the files for all of Part 5 in the Premium Archive soon after me posting this. They are just uploading. :)




Where in the archive would this be under? Having trouble finding it.


Premium Archive - Bathing Suit Shoot Two - Part 5 There is a separate URL for the Premium Archive. It's not in the general archive: https://www.patreon.com/posts/premium-archive-93161398