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Well it looks like Patreon updated their site again, and in classic form they have made it even crappier than it was before. Every time they "improve" this site, they make it worse!

They make it harder to manage my content, and they make it more difficult for all of you to enjoy it.

Now all the comments are all lumped together in one big list! Likes, comments, and membership posts used to be separate, and it was SO much easier to filter through them when it was like that. Now I can't find anything!

If I miss comments or questions from all of you, then I am truly sorry!

According to my email, somebody was asking about the premium archive, but the question doesn't exist on patreon when I click "View that post". If somebody is still looking for it, then you should be able to find it here:


Even doing this post, the site is all messed up. I am missing a bunch of options that used to be conveniently located to the side and easily/quickly configured. Now I have some moronic
"Next" button. I don't even know what I am going to find when I press it.

I am SO aggravated!!


ANDREA Franponzo

Dang it really seems worse at first glance, I can't find shet ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ


Yeah. Sorry! I mean, it's not my fault, but I still feel bad that the site is getting crappier.