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Another Monday. Who invented Mondays anyway? I have to say that I have been a long time hater of Mondays, though I have been trying to teach myself to dislike them less. After all, Monday gets a bad rep. It's not Monday's fault it's usually the first work day of the week and signifies the end of the weekend.

It's just tryin' ta be another day, ya know? :P

Anyway, the move went well. We paid people to move us this time. There was still a bunch of stuff we moved ourselves, like my computer, but it was mostly small things that would be difficult to pack or we didn't quite trust the movers to touch.

The movers did a great job. They were a really nice pair of fellows that were pretty efficient. They really knew what they were doing.

Then it took me a day or kind of settle into my new room. I have re-arranged it twice already. Lol! There was also quite of bit of cleaning to do at the old place, which took up most of Wednesday. We got our damage deposit back though, so I was happy that they were happy with our cleaning job.

Thursday I started trying to work, but discovered that my room gets too hot when the system is rendering images. That wasn't surprising. I had sort of expected that and kind of set Thursday aside as an experimentation day. I tried setting up the air conditioner in my room, but it became pretty obvious right away that there wasn't enough power to run the A/C and my computer.

I spent the rest of Thursday reading and letting my mind work on the problem in the background.

So Friday I tried a few more things. I played around with what I could have turned on and what needed to be off in order to have both the computer and the A/C running at the same time. If I couldn't figure out a way to do that, then there is a room in the basement that I could maybe use as an office. Of course, I would have had to move the computer down there which would have meant moving it for the third or fourth time in the same week. Ugh! That thing is heavy!

But I didn't do that. If I keep all of the lights off in my room, then the computer and A/C seem to run fine. I let them both run all of Friday, including having the computer rendering images, to see if it was stable and comfortable. It was! :D

Saturday was shot because we had a bit of a house warming party. I couldn't really work with a bunch of friends around drinking and hanging out. Not that I minded. :)

So other than the move, I actually mostly took this week off. That wasn't really the plan. Usually when I take a week off, I just reduce my hours but I still work. Not this time! I have barely touched the computer this week, and maybe that is a good thing.

As of yesterday, though, I have resumed work. The pinups were already done, and a few animations are still rendering. I will post those later today, and then get back to work on comics!

Overall it has been a good week! I hope you are all doing well too!

Now back to growing some boobies! :D

Also, there won't be any RAWs today, because we didn't have a comic this week. Stating the obvious, I know, but I wanted to be clear.


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