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So I move on Tuesday, July 18th. Internet isn't hooked up until 3 - 5 pm the following day, on the 19th. Power, heat, and everything else is already hooked up.

Content for tomorrow and Sunday should not change. However, you should just assume that there will be no content next week at all. No WIPs, nothing on Wednesday, and no comic on Saturday.

I am not saying that there will be no content, but assume that there won't be in case there are any complications with the move. If everything goes fine, then I may post content. I just can't guarantee that, so I don't want to make any promises. 

Have a great week, and I will see you again once I am in the new place. :)



Good luck and have a safe and easy move!


Good luck going to your new home. As for the comics, don't worry. We'll wait for you to settle in in your new home and when you are ready We will be waiting for your new comics come up let's see.