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So I was listening to a live-play RPG podcast as I was walking to Tim Horton's for a coffee, and they were talking about their Patreon. Specifically, they got talking about  the fact that they recently removed goals, which I think actually happened a few months ago.

But it reminded me that I had thought about posting in regards to that topic. I never did post about it, because I just assumed everybody knew. In case you are not aware, however, then here is a post to let you know:

Patron removed goals, y'all! :)

What does that mean? Well, honestly, I am not sure. I think it was nice to set goals, and I think it was good for all of you to see what my goals were. But really, I don't need a feature from Patreon to have goals.

So what are my goals?

I would like to try live streaming again. I think it would be cool to have somewhere to watch what I do and ask questions if you want. I know I really enjoy watching the process of other artists. I often learn more doing that than watching tutorials. 

I want to do more animations: longer animations and more complex animations. Now I know a few artists that do almost entire movies in Daz Studio, but frankly I have no clue how they pull that off. Daz Studio seems so counter-intuitive to me when I try to do things. I can't even explain it in words. You would have to see it. So I feel like I need to learn Blender to do that, and learning Blender is a whole undertaking. It's months of work, not just like a few days or weeks of study.

I also really want to make a game. An adult game centered around BE and Bimbofication as a theme. I have a few different ideas, and I think this would be a really fun project. But this too requires learning a bunch of new tools, at least very least I would need to learn RenPy or something similar. 

A game also makes me worry about keeping up all of the other content. Can I do everything I am doing and make a game? Because I can only assume that you would not want to lose the comics and pinups in favor of a game? Let me know your thoughts below on that. 

Lastly, I am not sure what I want to do with comics. I like what I am doing now, but I have debated multiple times about trying to make them look more professional. For instance, more like an actual Hentai Manga. I know some people prefer the multi-panel pages that I used to do, some prefer the all full-panel pages that I do now, and I know some would like something closer to a full on manga. 

Right now, I am just using the format that I prefer and I am hoping that all of you enjoy what I am doing enough to stay around. But maybe I need to release stuff in multiple formats? I am not sure, because it would actually be a massive undertaking to release comics in multiple formats. It would be an absolute crap ton of work. You have no idea! :)

Anyway, those are all of the crazy ideas rolling around in my twisted brain. :D

I need like 10 of me or something. Or I need to hire people, which I cannot currently afford. I am also just generally slow at implementing new features, which all of you should know by now. I really overthink these things.

And then there is finding time, which I sometimes struggle to do even now. Like the free content is way behind schedule.

Still, I would love to do all of this! Maybe one day we will get to some of it.

Thoughts? Feelings? Which idea is your favorite? Which would make you most excited?



I think it's great you're trying to come up with some solid goals to help keep you focused. Honestly, it'd be cool to see what you can do in the animation realm, but I think more importantly you should focus on something you feel can be accomplished and not burn you out. No need to grasp at too many straws and end up get over-exhausted. Either way, keep up the good work!


Good Evening. I read the entire text you uploaded. What you learn in life is good. It is nothing bad. As for the comics you are doing now very nice, I like it very much, you do a very nice job. It's certainly not something new anymore bad, it will just eat up a lot of your time from her your personal life. Only you will judge that. Let's just say I would like a game with me characters you will play and be able to do difference. For example. Get a breast augmentation extra large, butt augmentation, lip augmentation in mouth, in the position of the clitoris to put them manly organ. You can do anything as long as you have it fantasy and a lot of time.


Well something I have learned about myself is that I get bored if I am not learning something new. I just have to figure out how to fit it into the schedule without burning myself out like you said. :)