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Good morning!

I have meant to sit down and write this for the last few days, and just didn't get around to it. So now I feel like it's overdue. :P

My current roommate, who is a friend of mine, has been trying to buy a house for a long, long time. It is, in fact, part of the reason that he asked me to move into a place with him: to lower his cost of living, as well as mine.

Well he just closed on a place last week. So, "Yay!" he finally got the house he's been working towards for the last few years. I am very, very happy for him. :D

That is the good news! So... you know what comes next. :P

However, that means I will be moving in the next two weeks. Yes, TWO WEEKS!

We have to pack up our current place real quick and get ourselves to the new place. That means I have a royal crap ton of work to do in the next two weeks. I am sure you can guess where this is headed already.

That means that I may have to pause a few of our currently running projects. I am not sure how much I will get done on "Sapphire the Medic" (the $10 comic), as it is actually a fairly complicated setup and takes longer to work with.

It almost certainly means that I am not going to make any more progress on the April Fools comic, which I meant to have completely done by now. Sigh! I have really struggled to finish this thing. I am very sorry for that.

I will likely have to reduce my workload for the next two weeks to just focusing on the main comics. I don't think pinups will be an issue, but it might mean no animations for a bit. We will have to see about that as it's hard to judge with those.

I am not going to pause the campaign, because I feel pretty confident that I can still continue the main comics. It's just some of the extra content that might suffer (as usual). I had hoped to have a bunch of this stuff done before he closed on a place, but that's just not how things have played out.

Anyway, I am pretty excited to move, but I will need to slow things down for the next 2 or 3 weeks.

I hope you understand. :)