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So these are the props I was talking about from MadLab 6. The room parts are fine. the walls, floor, and doors are all nice. I like that you can load them one by one and build your own room. That stuff is fine.

The issue is the props that come with MadLab 6 Core and its expansion sets. Like this chair. Looks cool, right? In addition to the arm at the bottom, there is supposed to be a tentacle arm. There are even "Easy Pose" dials to control the arm, and attachments for the tentacle arm. Except that these attachments don't actually attach to the tentacle when you load them, and the dials do... nonsense. I can't actually find this "Tentacle" anywhere on the chair. If I make it longer, then a thing does extend straight out from the chair, but none of the stuff attached to the end of this "tentacle" move with it. Huh? 

How am I supposed to even use that?

The same goes for the "Easy Pose" dials. You dial them and the arm swings out in ridiculous and useless directions.

The second prop in the pictures is the "Op Mech" or operations mech. It's in a similar state, and maybe I can explain what I am talking about better. The arms on the Op Mech work correctly, even the attachments for the arms work right. However, it has a "taller" morph that is supposed to make the main shaft on the Op Mech taller, i.e. so you can raise the entire upper assembly. Except that the upper assembly doesn't move, at all, when you make the shaft taller - just the shaft gets taller.

So what you have to do is dial up the "taller morph", and then manually move and realign the entire upper assembly with the newly sized shaft.

What the heck!?!?

It's absolutely pointless. So much needless extra work!

All of the stuff is well-made. The materials are fine. They look good. But all of the props have hidden issues like this. Some parts work right, and then some work so backwards that using these props requires so much extra work to use that it is ridiculous!

I had really hoped to use this stuff extensively in my comics. It is highly likely that this will be the only comic that I use them in now.



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