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I meant to do this chapter much sooner than I did. I really stalled on bringing Goldy's lair up to Daz standards. The process was going fairly well when I first started it, and then I just seemed to lose interest. I just couldn't seem to make myself sit down and finish it, and I can't really tell you why. There wasn't even much work left to do to finish it.

But now it is finally complete! :D

On the plus side, my inability to finish setting up this room was part of what spurred my ideas for Brynne and Xeloria. I was madly working away on TBND 3 one week, and the chapter was supposed to end with them finding this room again. But as I was actually writing the story of how they got there, something seemed to happen. I just seemed to keep coming up with ideas of what should happen to the crew as they ventured towards their destination.

That random string of events eventually led us to Brynne becoming Xeloria.

And I am really happy with that arc of our story, so I wouldn't change a thing at this point. :)



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