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Just a reminder, there are no RAW renders this morning because we didn't do a comic on Saturday.

I am feeling a lot better. :)

I really relaxed this week, rested up, and now I am ready to grow some boobs. I also didn't work out much. I took a break from exercising too, but I did continue my walks and runs since the weather was nice. I figured my body needed some time to recover, just from everything - from life. :P

I actually didn't even get out of bed very much on Monday. Spent almost the whole day in bed. Obviously I did get up, since I posted some content. But it was one of those days where I would get up for 2 hours, do some work, and then go back to bed. Not to sleep necessarily, but just to lie down, recharge, watch shows, etc.

Still, that clearly shows me that something wasn't right. There's no way I could spend that much time in bed on a normal day, and no way I would be that tired all day long.

I also played a bunch of video games. I picked up a couple of titles from the Steam sale. Specifically, this week, I was playing Dungeons 3. I knew about the Dungeons series, but I had never played one. I picked up Dungeons 3 and all of its DLC for like $15?

It's a lot of fun, and pretty funny. It's a very comical and satirical game.

Anyway, the point is that I am feeling much better. Like way better! :D

So let the transformations flow!!



glad to hear you're feeling better, Phoenyxx.

Terry Stokes

Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2? You can never have too many Dark Mistresses salaciously stalking the pleasure chamber, c*m with free whippings! And branding irons and spiky spinny things. (mutters about dubiously menacing micro piglets and dungeon disco infernos)