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I am drawing a blank this morning as to what to write here.

Do you have mornings like that? You wake up and your brain just doesn't really work right? Like you can function, but it's almost like you are on auto-pilot. You can manage to drive, but you don't recall the actual travel to work once you get there. You can pour yourself a coffee, but you put yogurt in it instead of milk or cream. You remind yourself five times to do the dishes before sitting down to render boobs, and then find them still in the sink at supper time.

I don't remember having days like this when I was younger, but the older I get the more I find things like this happening. It brings to mind the number of times I have watched an older person do something "stupid", and my first thought was, "What's wrong with that person?". And now I am starting to realize, probably absolutely nothing. They were just old.

It seems that is just part of aging.

I am not a fan!  :P



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