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There are probably going to be quite a few WIP images for Chapter 40 of Bim U. So many that I will likely still be posting some next week. Yes, you will have already read the comic and witnessed the results of these tests, but I still think seeing the process images might be interesting even after you've read the comic.

So this whole process started with Josephine. We found a really nice outfit that we wanted her to wear in this comic, but the outfit was meant for Genesis 3. Now sometimes newer outfits and props will work on an older model like Victoria 4, which is what Josephine is based on (V4). 

Like a hat will usually work, because you can just attach it to the head directly. There's no need for sophisticated bones and controls to make it follow the head, but an arm or a hand is quite a bit more complicated. You need joints and bones in the clothing that match the model so that it can exactly follow her movements.

So I decided to try converting Josephine to Genesis 3. Now we've done some experiments before with this, ala Ditzy Denise from Bathing Suit Shoot, with less than stellar results. Like the model looks OK, but it doesn't exactly match the original. 

Well I've learned a few things since then, and I asked around on some 3DX Discord servers for some advice on how others do this and get better results than I do. I also bought some new tools to try out that deal with using the original V4 skin on a Genesis 3 model, because I feel like that is the big thing missing. I can get the body shapes about right, but putting a new G3 skin on the model made them look obviously different.

At least to me. :)

So that's a lot of talking. Let me know what you think of these initial trials. On the left is the original Victoria 4, and on the right is Genesis 3.



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