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Going to post the RAW images now, so that there isn't quite so much spam tomorrow.

There are a few correction renders in this set, but most of the "fixes" I actually decided to do in post-production. Basically I drew on top of the renders to fix any mistakes. However, there is something new and interesting in this set. 

I had posted about an experiment I did that didn't work out. The original script had Thomas' face change to be more feminine first, and then other changes followed. I tried to do that, but it didn't work very well. Mostly because the method I am using to TG people requires that you change the person to a woman first, and then do any other changes after that. So I couldn't do just the head alone. I will have to figure out how to do that.

Anyway, you'll find a separate folder in this set called, "Original Renders". You'll find some of the earlier pages and see how I was trying to make just Thomas' face female and how it just didn't look good.

Thankfully DynastyChopper was willing to let me reorder some of the transformation and try something a little different. :)



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