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I think...  Lol!

So I have everything archived up to the end of 2020. I have also deleted all posts up to the end of 2020 as well. Deleting the posts isn't necessary, strictly speaking, but I wanted to clean up the site and make it much easier to navigate.

Moving forward, I will archive a new month each month. Specifically, I will archive 3 months back. So that means that I will have to wait until the end of April. At the end of April, I will archive January 2021. See how that works?

So there will always be 90 days of posts here and it corresponds to the release schedule for free comics as well.

Let me know what you think in the comments! 

Should I keep posts longer than this by just archiving them and not deleting them? Is there content that you still can't access at the new tiers?

Suggestions, issues, and what not should be posted here please. :)


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