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So still no job offers so far, but that is just how it goes sometimes. I haven't really been applying to stuff over the last week anyway. It being the Holiday Season and all. So my Patreon won't got on "pause" this month. We will keep going for now.

Same situation for next month though. I will keep applying to stuff, and I will keep you all informed of how things are going. If I get something in January, then I will be putting things on pause. I will give you as much advance notice as possible.

Meanwhile, I had a lot of fun producing all the stuff this week. I might have bitten off more than I can chew once again though. Lol! 

Shocking right? :P

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll get Bimbo Nurses Chapter 4 done by tomorrow. I will do my best to do so, but it might get posted on Sunday if I don't quite get it done. That will delay pinups until Monday if that happens.

Poser just renders so much slower and I misjudged things a bit this week. Sorry about that!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed your holidays. :D


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