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You folks ever wake up and just have like ZERO energy?

That was my day yesterday. I dislike those days. This happens to me sometimes, and exactly how it feels varies. Some days it's literally no physical energy. Like it takes a real act of will power for me to physically get out of bed, because even that makes me feel physically tired - almost exhausted on the worst days.

That isn't what I experienced yesterday though. Yesterday it was like soul energy. I felt fine physically, though a little bit tired, but I just felt drained. Like I was empty on the inside. I went for two walks, and those didn't tire me out, so clearly I wasn't physically tired. And it wasn't mental energy, because I actually got a fair amount of work done.

As a quick aside, sometimes it is mental tiredness. I can feel fine physically and "spiritually", but my brain just won't work. It's really difficult to write or render. I almost have to kick my brain to get it to work. Sometimes the lack of mental energy is from a lack of physical energy, but that wasn't the case on Wednesday either.

Anyway, back to the point. I wasn't physically tired or mentally tired, which was obvious from my ability to do things. However, like I said, I just felt drained. Like a part of me had been sucked out.

You ever feel that?



Yes, but im also diagnosed with a lot of mental health things so its more a daily struggle rather than an occasional one-off so i sorta just get used to it because i dont really have any other choice. I will say one thing though. A lot of my problems are often due to poor sleep. You also moved recently and whenever I travel my body takes a long time to adjust. From new foods and altitudes to things in the air and inside your gut. If you have lower or higher blood pressure that can affect your sleep. Ive found when my insomnia meds decrease my blood pressure it can become difficult to get myself out of bed and that can avalanche into other problems so normally the most important thing to do even when you have those feelings of malaise is to just get up and get moving around and get get your blood flowing. Especially when you dont want to do it.


It happens to me all the time nowadays thanks to the heatwave we have here. It's a choir just to exist... JEESH...


100% agreed on making yourself get up and move. The move, surprisingly to me, has had much less of an impact on my sleep, schedule, and general health than I expected. It's like I never left.


Not to rub it in, but my new place has a heat pump and I am totally in love with it! :D