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So I think that I mentioned that I found a place. I was lucky enough to find the last 1-bedroom apartment in my general area. It has been kind of ridiculous, as I've been looking at 2-bedrooms since there didn't seem to be any 1-bedrooms available.

I've checked the town I'm in, the next town over, and the East side of the city, which is the closest side to me.

Nowhere in all of those places was there a bachelor or 1-bedroom available by searching online. I ended up having to travel around and call the contact numbers listed on the front of the buildings. I also called a few property management companies directly, even though they didn't have listings online.

But I did find a place by doing all that. It's a modern building that was very recently constructed. I didn't call them earlier, because I assumed they would be far too expensive for me. However, I managed to get the last 1-bedroom in the building. It's also the smallest 1-bedroom, but I don't need a lot of space.

It's a really nice place, possibly the nicest I've ever had, and I am happy to have found it.

The movers delivered my stuff on Thursday, June 20. I already unpacked and tested the computer, and it boots up. So that is a huge worry off of my mind! We wrapped that thing in layer after layer, but anything can happen when you move a system like mine.

So everything is great, right? RIGHT!?

Well... then I tried to get internet. And somehow, I cant even believe that I'm saying this, somehow my apartment is the only one not listed in their computer system. The building is 4 floors and has like 10 units a floor, but mine is the only one not listed. It was likely just a data entry error when the building was created, but it means that they can't do anything (not even submit a work order) if my apartment doesn't exist.

It took 3 days to get it added!

THREE DAYS! <facepalm>

They had to send a request to their maintenance department, have a tech drive out, and physically verify that my apartment exists. Then, and only then, could they get my apartment added. And only after that could they even think about setting up my internet.

That nonsense has now all occurred, and the tech comes on Monday to install my internet. So I can actually, really, move into my new place on Monday, even though all of my stuff is there already.

I thought I lived in Canada. I thought I lived in a modern society. One week to get internet? Unbelievable!

Oh! And if all of that wasn't enough nonsense for you, then there is actually one more thing. I took my 86 year old father to see the place on Thursday night and we got stuck in the elevator. O_O

Nope! Not lying, and not exaggerating. Coming down from the third floor, the elevator came to a jarring halt halfway between floor 1 and floor 2, then the panel changed to, "Out of Service". We had to use the emergency line built into the elevator to call for help, but the tech was more than an hour away.

The landlord showed up and got us out in 20 minutes. :)

My Dad and I are fine. It was just like a scene out of a movie. It was pretty crazy. Lol!

Either way, we should be back up and running at some point on Monday! :D



Nothing makes things easier for you, right? At least you have an elevator. I live on the 4th floor in a house with no elevator. But i'm glad you could find a place you like :)