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Gary didn't want to believe it. He couldn't bring himself to believe it. In fact, he was working really hard to deny everything that had happened since she had entered his vehicle who knew how long ago.

His glance switched back and forth from the road to his passenger seat and back again. He wanted to take in all of the details in order to reassure himself that this was, or wasn't, some fever dream or trick of the night air. Different parts of his anatomy wanted to prove it one way or the other. So he focused his gaze on a single part of her insane figure each time that he looked toward that side of the vehicle. Then he would look back at the road, which would give him a moment to process and rationalize what he just saw.

Her face and hair hadn't changed at all. She still looked too young to be alone in a car with him, and certainly not old enough to have just cum all over the seat of his Sunfire. Definitely in her later teenage years, but something about her appearance made you feel like she wasn't of legal age yet. It was difficult to put a finger on, and it was very hard to tell in this day and age anyway.

Of course, this wasn't in reference to her actual age, but merely her appearance. Everything else about her made it clear that she was much older despite how she looked. The dichotomy of it was both arousing and confusing. She would absolutely be a smoking-hot, mega-babe if her face didn't make you question whether your dick should be hard or not.

The fact that her mousy-brown hair was now more disheveled, and slightly matted down, didn't really help with that either. It looked slightly wet, probably from her sweat. Beads of it still dribbled down her forehead and past her eyes, which were closed gently shut. They would occasionally flutter slightly open.

She was sucking on her lip as she took long, ragged breaths. Hitcher Slut seemed to be muttering to herself, but Gary couldn't hear the words. He suspected they weren't intelligible anyway. It was more than likely that she was mumbling pleasantries to herself based on her smile. She was likely riding the aftershocks of her spectacular display of sexual car-Olympics, based on the way her body shuddered occasionally.

He was struck again by how cute she looked. However, everything below her neck was almost the exact opposite of that. If you looked at her face, then you weren't sure how old she was. But the rest of her figure now sported the lush and mature curves of strippers, porn stars, escorts, and Bimstigram models.

His next glance almost tried to bore a hole into her overinflated fun-bags. It was quite simply one of the most impressive racks he had ever seen. Certainly the most incredible set of juggs he had been physically near. They reminded him of amazing big-boob models such as Pandora Peaks, SaRenna Lee, Busty Dusty, and Summer Cummings. But, most importantly, they also reminded him of Candy's stellar tits.

The vast mountains of flesh quivered each time that Hitcher Slut took one of her long, stuttering breaths, and they would keep on jiggling delightfully for several seconds afterward. They more than filled her clothing. The plump spheres seemed to ooze out of every hole in the crocheted halter top, making it look like someone had stuffed two massive water balloons into a top that was several sizes too small.

They looked artificially enhanced, holding their perfectly tear-drop shape in impossible fashion. But implants of that size could never bulge out of a top the way that these did. Hitcher Slut's tits looked lavishly large, fantastically firm, and yet pleasantly pliable. He was sure that you could press your hands deep into her plush pillows, deeper than you would expect, and they would happily surround and suck your hands even deeper into her wonderfully pliant flesh. They would also perfectly resume their awesome size and shape the second that you let go.

Gary had to tear his gaze away. The slow jiggling motion of those awesome spheres could easily hold him hypnotized for longer than was safe. He took a few stuttering breaths of his own to regain some of his self-control, before turning back to his right.

Her stomach was still flat as a board. The same as it had been when she first sat down, so no change there. However, her waist seemed like it might actually be smaller, but that could just be the size difference between it and her much larger bust. Maybe it wasn't smaller per se, but the shape seemed a little different. Gary thought that there might be more of an hourglass curve to it, as if she had been doing some corset training.

It was difficult to tell from this angle, and because of the shadow of her fat tits. The changes to her hips, which he took in during the same glance, were much more obvious. They had been narrow and almost bony before. Now generous padding filled them out spectacularly, and they swelled outward from her potentially smaller waist in deliciously smooth, round lines.

Tracing the transition from her waist to her new hips was like following the lovely lines of an expensive sports car. Except that these luscious curves weren't built for speed. They were built for breeding! And to entice the viewer with every sultry motion, as they swayed sensually from side to side with each seductive step.

Gary grimaced, and flinched slightly in pain. His poor penis was straining at the seams of his pants, thudding audibly against its confines, which were now stained from the plentiful pre-cum leaking onto his leg. He was going to need to clean himself up, and he suddenly realized the same would go for his car.

That didn't just apply to the passenger seat either. At some point he had regained his right arm, and he only now noticed that it was back on the steering wheel beside his other hand. Which meant that the wheel was now coated in Hitcher Slut's orgasmic juices, since his right hand had been absolutely drenched in them less than a minute ago.

He sighed, mildly annoyed, though he wasn't really all that upset about it. He noted that the car smelled slightly of lavender. Gary wasn't sure if that was the smell of Hitcher Slut's sex, or if he had only just noticed her perfume. He also didn't care. There was one more place to examine on her body, which was more important right now than the lovely smells filling his nostrils.

He turned his gaze back to the passenger side but it was even more difficult to tell what was going on beneath her than it was to get a good grasp of her potentially altered waistline. There was clearly a lot more to her behind now. Gary could see that there was a significant amount of booty bulging out behind her and shifting delectably each time a sensual shudder slithered down her spine.

But you couldn't really see it while she was sitting down. What was easier to see, and more telling, were her thick thighs straining at her busted shorts. Creamy white leg overflowed the broken seam and glued her already tight pants to her juicy thigh like a second skin. Another stitch gave way even as he watched, and the rip traveled a little further up her hip. The new space was instantly filled by her meatiness that gleamed enticingly with sweat.

Gary was panting now, his breathing was almost labored. His erection was so hard that it as thudding against his jeans, trying to burst out of them like her thigh had ripped its way out of her cut-off shorts. Sweat dribbled down him in waves. He felt dizzy, even in the cool air of the car.

He shook his head, trying to clear the lust-filled haze that was blurring his vision. Even looking ahead, all he could see in his mind's eye was the lewd lines of her fuck-bunny figure. She was everything he had ever desired. She was Candy from the neck down, except that she wasn't.

She was--

When he glanced again, he was caught in the depths of her smoking-hot gaze. Clearly she had finished recovering from the aftershocks of her erotic bliss. Her upper body was turned towards him and she leaned in close, placing her face less than a foot from his. She used the divider between them for support, with one hand near the gear shift, and the other on the small storage compartment just above the parking brake. He could see her long and well-manicured nails tracing playful circles on the plastic.

The pose meant her arms were fairly close to her sides, pressing her hugely swollen hooters together. Their awesome mass threatened to explode out of her incredibly overtaxed top. Gary thought he might have actually heard a thread begin to tear as he looked into the depths of her cavernous cleavage.

He caught a slightly better look at her new curves, which sent his heart racing. Just enough of her lush hips and juicy booty were visible over her titantic ta-ta's to discern how lavishly voluptuous her figure was, and how much exquisite flesh was literally bursting out of shorts that had no hope of containing her abundance.

He took all of this in with the slightest of glances, a brief flick of his eyes, before his gaze was drawn inexorably to her own. Deep pools of brown, that he thought might drag him under like quicksand, held him riveted. Her face wasn't Candy's, but her expression was an exact copy of the one he remembered. His eyes were locked with hers, following her gaze as it traveled down to his wet crotch.

She licked her lips hungrily, and a husky voice, laden with naked desire, cooed at him, "Mmmm, is that for me?"


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