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DropBox notified me today that I have, "Exceeded my download limit" and suspended my account for 24 hours. If you are trying to access the Archive, then you will not be able to do so until tomorrow.

My limit is 1 TB of data with unlimited downloads.

So I suspect someone is sharing my Archive links, because I seriously doubt that my regular users have managed to exceed 1 TB of bandwidth in a single day.

Sadly, the people that actually need to read this will likely not do so. They will simply continue to blindly steal my content.

But if you are reading this, then let me be clear. STOP! If you continue sharing my content without my permission, then my DropBox account will be permanently disabled. <-- That's not me saying that, that is DropBox. DropBox will permanently disable my account if this continues, and there will be nothing that I can do about it.

The Archive will go away, and the rest of my content will soon follow.

If you want to continue enjoying my content, then stop stealing it! I don't care what justification you are using to excuse this behavior. It is theft, plain and simple!

Now there is a slim possibility that a user decided to do a mass download of my archive. If so, then that's fine. I am not mad at you, and you don't need to tell me that it was your fault. Just be aware that it would be better to spread your downloads out over a few days. :)



So sick of woke cancelling artists :/


YOHOHO... That's a pirate for you! Sorry to hear it. Your link was most likely leaked out on that website That Must Not Be Named.


Yeah, my content has been leaked and stolen since I started making it. Even the free stuff on DA used to be reposted without simply asking me if it was OK or if I would do it myself. :/