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This is Report 441, which is 34 pages and combat only.

What's the big story? We have everything you want to know about the Crimea (Kerch) Bridge and its status.

Regular SITREPS return on the 19th. 

What's the second story? As the Black Sea Grain Initiative comes to an end, Russia's wrath was six missiles and 36 Shahed-136 drones, a far cry from the massive missile and drone strike after the October 8, 2022, bridge explosion.

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Turkey said that Erdoğan will meet with Putin in August. Therefore we can expect no progress on the Black Sea Grain deal until then and Russian blackmail works again. How can African states still support Russia? (Neutrality in the face of this scale of international criminality is tacit support. There is no grey area.) I wish the allies would just call Putin's bluff and announce a process which offers protection to ships collecting and transporting grain from Ukrainian Ports. They can offer some independent 3rd party nation to inspect the grain ships and/or have UN observers on those grain ships.


From the UK Daily Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/07/17/russia-abducting-ukrainian-children-via-belarus/#:~:text=Some%202%2C150%20Ukrainian%20children%20as,have%20been%20given%20military%20training. Belarus abducts thousands of Ukrainian children Alexander Lukashenko implicated in alleged war crime as boys and girls as young as six are taken to camps in 'forced deportation' Thousands of Ukrainian children have been forcibly deported to Belarus in an alleged war crime that could implicate president Alexander Lukashenko. Some 2,150 Ukrainian children as young as six are estimated to have been taken to at least four camps in Belarus since September 2022, with the number expected to reach 3,000 by autumn this year. Some are alleged to have been given military training.


The article is behind the Telegraph paywall. It includes video of "performers" telling the children that Biden should die and Zelenskiyy should die for peace.


Didn't Turkey run the blockade the last time around? This time Russia made sure to say such a thing would be "risky". https://www.rt.com/russia/579848-russian-foreign-ministry-black-sea-navigation/