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That's it. That's the whole Flash Report.



So could this all be an orchestrated out for putin? Have to defend rus against insurrection - bring troops home - blame MoD etc?


Do I have this right?: ●Prigozhin said frick russian military higher ups •(I'm still not totally sure what his goal is) ●Moscow, already feeling nervous, is going into full puffer fish mode and dropping their portcullises Speculation question: ●Moscow prepping to royally frick the ZNPP and thinks dragon teeth will keep it out? Am I at least in the vicinity of the book that has the right page go be on?


Lukashenko has left Minsk - unconfirmed


I’m just sitting here with a vague smile on my face. I figure this has got to help Ukraine if Russians are basically helping Ukraine kill Russians. Still, Civil War is a questionable term because a Civil War is not very civil. And brakes may come off.


I would caution against connecting the situation at ZNPP with the ongoing simmering civil war/coup/civil war in Russia. The statements and actions from the Kremlin and Russian state media, including a special broadcast from Russia One and two terribly produced statements from Russian leaders in what appeared to be a basement, all point to this being a legitimate attempt to take over the Russian Ministry of Defense. I/we are not saying it isn't possible, but at this moment in time and the two events appear to be completely unrelated.


Given the response from the Kremlin and the special broadcast that was just on Russia One - no. The actions out of the Kremlin over the last two hours point to this being a legitimate declaration of civil war/coup.


Regrettably, people smarter than me on the topic of Russian society and culture have repeatedly told me the same thing. The current Tzar, in name or by action, is a benevolent and loving leader of his people right up until a new Tzar is named. Regardless of any outcome, it is highly unlikely we will see a major shift in Russian internal or foreign policy.


Could this be an over-reaction by the Kremlin? It’s still odd there are no pictures or video of Wagner convoys. Prigozhin just be playing mind games with the Kremlin maybe?


There may already be progress in Bakhmut - Seeing unverified report (Denys Davidov) some streets retaken - just too much stuff everywhere about Prigozhin Lol


I still find it significant that he did not come out openly against Putin. Meduza had a whole article a few days ago in which several analysts insist that Prigozhin could never do what he does unless Putin allows it....but, we will soon know...I hope those analysts are all wrong.


I think this will fizzle out and be nothing burger. May be result in couple dead fascist, probably less that russia loses in a day fighting Ukrainians. And may be some political changes would incur. My expectation is this whole ordeal won't top 2000 casualties, political reshuffling among same group of people and mobilization on russian side.


Boy this could be a big mess for Ukraine if this evolves into something significant. It is absolutely NOT in USA's interests for a violent regime change to take place in Russia. There is no liberal progressive leader waiting in the background to take over. The people vying for power would be far worse and more unpredictable than Putin. How about Medvedev in control of Russia's nuclear arsenal? Or maybe prigozhin? Or even worse, a complete unknown. I had thought at the beginning of the war what it would take for the USA to throw Ukraine under the bus (which we have done to other allies many, many times. Ask South Vietnam and Afghanistan for recent examples) and the potential for violent overthrow of Putin was one of them. If you are smiling at the thought of Putin being overthrown, better change that to a frown. We absolutely will cut Ukraine's throat if it looks like a violent overthrow could occur.


If this benefits Ukraine and speeds up the end of Russia's war, it's a good thing. But a nuclear state descending into a civil war would of course be alarming and NATO's worst case scenario. So careful what we wish for... I may have read too much John le Carré in my youth, but given how paranoid Putin is reported to be, I wouldn't be surprised that his regime hasn't been on a hair trigger for some time, anticipating having to deal with Prigozhin or maybe others, sooner or later. Maybe today's statements from Prigozhin gave them the pretext they needed to get rid of him, or they panicked. From a military perspective it's disastrous, but they're more interested in staying in power than any other goal. They will define losing a million soldiers and all the occupied territories as a success if they have to.


Did anyone have potential Russian coup attempt on their 2023 bingo card?