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The holiday season is arriving for a lot of areas where our followers, listeners, readers, and subscribers live. Here is our schedule for that period:

Situation Report

November 24, 2022 - Thanksgiving - Mini Situation Report published before 5 PM PST (surprise!)

November 25, 2022 - Situation Report as normal

December 24, 2022 - Mini Situation Report - published before 5 PM PST

December 25, 2022 - no report unless World War III starts (and even then there may not be a report because World War III)

December 26, 2022 - Mini Situation Report before sunset PST (4 PMish) for last day of Chanukah

December 29, 2022 - January 10, 2023 - No Situation Report unless World War III starts - the team desperately needs a planned and scheduled break - everyone is cooked.


November 24, 2022 - no podcast

November 25, 2022 - no podcast

December 24, 2022 - no podcast

December 25, 2022 - no podcast

December 30 to January 11 - no podcast

Schedule is fluid and could tweak



Y'all deserve traditional American holidays like the rest of us get. [Well, those of them who aren't in healthcare. I'll be working all of them. Time and a half babyyy💰] Happy holidays and season to y'all. ❤️


Yes. Take the time off!


This is kind of off topic of this post. But something I'm just learning (I was 10 when it was signed and not heard of since). But thought I'd bring it up now, just to get it out there, and ask: How does the "The Budapest Memorandum" fit in to all of this. Could it be the reason Putin refuses to call it a war? And/or the real reason we have no problem sending big boom sticks?


My hot take - the memorandum was basically ignored back on February 24 and Ukraine should have been better supported


I full heartedly agree. Not sure why the memo has been ignored like it has, else why sign such documents in the future. Thank you for the reply.