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Russian forces have abandoned their defensive positions from Davydiv Brid to Starosillya to prevent becoming encircled. Thousands of troops are chaotically retreating back to Beryslav and Nova Kakhovka. 

Our July 28 assessment that the Russian defensive lines from Arkhanhelske to Vysokopillya was critical to holding the region was accurate. Once Russia lost control of Novopetrivka, the last "island" in the sea of wheat on the original defense line, everything north of the Ukrainian Inhulets River Bridgehead became undefendable due to a lack of viable supply lines.

Russian forces are likely to suffer catastrophic losses in their retreat and will almost certainly abandon equipment and limited caches of ammunition. We are not expecting to see the same amount of ammunition and equipment like in Kharkiv due to the supply issues Russian troops suffered.

We want to temper our reader's excitement and remind you that this area has been under solid Russian control since early March. A number of war crimes will likely be discovered in the coming days. 


William Karr

I often times will feel that boost of elation when I see or hear “Russian defensive lines collapsed.” But then I remember the point made in the last paragraph… more war crimes will likely be discovered. 😔


I recommend taking solace in the fact that the collapse means that fewer war crimes will be taken by Russian forces in the area. I don't even want to think about how much the people might have suffered if this occupation had gone on longer than it already has.


“North of the Inulets river”, or “north of the Dinipro river”? With my limited knowledge, the Inulets runs N-S, whereas the Dinipro runs W-E (in the Kherson area). Or, like so many villages, there is more than one of the same name in the same area?


"North of the Inulets River Bridgehead ..." The bridgehead stretches out to the east from the river.


❤️ xx