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Hello everyone! I know this will sound kinda dull at the beginning, but let me explain what is going on. As you might now, since 2019 I've been creating content, and this year marks the 5th anniversary of me uploading erotic videos over the internet. With that said, I will definitively want to work on something to celebrate this event, however, I must also mention that I've been with some stuff going on, and I want to explain as better as possible everything on this post.

I think I started taking many more commissions and requests that I should had, to the point that, right now, I have pending videos going all the way back to 2021, yeah, is that serious. As for what I will do about it, I decided that I won't take any new more requests, commissions, ideas and/or suggestions until I can get all of the previously requested content done.

How long would that take? I have no idea, but I estimate around 3 months at most, at least I hope to finish it earlier.

What about my idea? I discussed it with you before you made this post... For every idea that I had already discussed and/or approved, either if it was a Patreon supporter or outside messager, I will do it, just take in mind that it will take a bit to get it done if it was one of the latest or more complex ones, but again, it will 100% be done.

What about the Patreon members who already payed (or will pay for) an idea? For those members, they will also get their idea done, just give me some time to sort everything out.

Why do you take this decision exactly? (This is pretty much the part that you can skip, is not as important) Well, I will be honest and direct, I have been creating for a while now, and even if I absolutely love it, I more often that not get either "art blocked" or generally demotivated; let me put you in perspective: Let's say that I did a video that took me a good while to conceive, export and upload, and for some reason it doesn't do that well; or how about some of my content getting some negative criticism from people who couldn't really care less about it; or generally, a constant torment of failure or disconfort from my followers about the stuff I made; the point is, things like that brings me down, and it end up causing my content to take more time to get finished. Luckily, I spoke to some nice folks, and saw the good part about my content, for that reason, I will continue with it, that's why I want to thank everyone who has supported me, everyone who comments on my videos and posts, everyone who reaches out to me to let me know that they like the stuff that I do, you guys are worth gold and I want you to know that I really appretiate it. I'm really sorry if I take a lot of time to answer, or if I forget stuff, sadly my ADHD makes me insanely forgetful, that's why I also want to ask you, if I haven't reached back to you or if I have taken a lot with a past request, do not hesitate to remember me as I do forget things really frequent.

Thanks for reading, I will get back to work now, thanks for the constant support, for following me and for liking, commenting, sharing, and everything. I wouldn't be anywhere without my fans, and knowing that a lot of people likes what I do really motivates me. Have an amazing day!



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