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Hello everyone! Long time no see, and that's what I wanted to talk about today. About two months ago I ran into a huge problem, because my HDD kinda died, I said kinda because I wasn't able to create new partitions on it, nor format it again (it was presented on RAW format); however thanks to a partner, CMD and a lot of time, I was able to recover my user folder which had my edits, WIPs, etc.
The recovery took me a really long time that in fact, I had to delay two commissions and the v5 models which were scheduled to be released around the first week of May (this was later delayed to almost the last one). Even after I saved the most important stuff, problems didn't stopped exactly. Because I lost my biggest capacity HDD I took an old one from my previous laptop which, even while having enough space, gave me random freezes and even BSOD frequently. This really slowed down a lot of other videos, and made me loss a lot of other progress things by pretty much crashing the system without letting me save beforehand. Recently, I finally was able to afford myself a HDD in conditions and I'm waiting for it to arrive so I can continue making stuff; these days I just have been editing the v5 modules to make them be a smaller size and fixing some bugs, but because of the system crashes I have to save every single change I make so I don't lose progress. Once I get my HDD, I will upload a video ASAP, but something else came out all of this, and it's that Iwara will be migrating servers or something. By the time I'm writing this, Iwara doesn't show comments, some uploaded images and WEBM files (at least on some users, one being rmse). This makes me think that they are backing up or directly transfering the content, which will make me increase productivity since the upload times on Iwara for my connection are insanely long, even on images. That's pretty much the explanation; if Iwara gets migrated on the following week or something I will upload something directly on the new version, and if it doesn't since the current site is pretty much falling apart (9 out of 10 times I get a 502 error), I think I will upload the new content to Patreon  for the meantime and say it on my discord (both 1080p for free and 4k for Patreons as always).
Hope you can understand my situation, believe me when I say I'm still working on a lot of stuff, and I'm really happy doing so, however things really got screwed with my storage drive, but as I said once that's fixed everything will be back to normal.
Thanks for reading! I will post some "quick" updates on my discord server (new link btw), you can join here: https://discord.gg/M8wg3nqNGf
I will also check on twitter more frequently, and post some updates more often too: https://twitter.com/WelliWonderWIA
Thanks for reading and understanding! Have a good day and a great weekend!


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