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"Ughhh," she grunts as she feels the familiar sensation wash over her. "Not now, not now..." Her boyfriend was supposed to be there soon. "MoooOOOOOO," she bellows. "Fuck, it's really happening." The pain hits her hard. She doubles over and falls to the ground. "Damn it. Another outfit ruined," she thinks to herself. Sometimes she's able to get her clothes off but not this time. "MoooOOOaaauggggh," she yells out. She could feel her breasts swelling. Her body was getting bigger too. The sounds of bones shifting and clothes ripping filled the room.

A powerful snort escapes her nostrils. To her, the worst part was about to begin. "AhhhmmmooOOOOO", she yells as her face begins to change. She feels her nostrils flare - and they just keep flaring wider and wider. Her face pushes outward. Her nose is turning pink and moist, snot begins to pour out. Horns emerge from from her skull. "MOOOOOOOOOOOO", she bellows again.

She hears the door open. She looks up to see her boyfriend, eyes wide, staring at her. "FUCK!" she screams in a deep, inhuman voice. She was still waiting for the right time to tell him she was a werecow. And now she had to try to explain while in the middle of transforming.



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