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She's a semi-popular Twitch streamer. Someone donated a ton of money with a message. She reads the message out loud to her viewers, "It says... 'I'm going to turn you into a cow.'"

"Chat, what the fuck does this mean? Haha. Oh noooo, moooooooo moooo I'm a cow!" she says jokingly.

Then, she feels her stomach drop. Something isn't right and she's starting to worry.

She starts to feel a little dizzy. "Ugh...." she moans. She takes a deep breath and flares her nostrils. Something strange was happening. Her nostrils felt stuck open. She couldn't "unflare" them. Then they started to get even bigger. And her nose was starting to turn pink.

The chat starts to go crazy.


"what's wrong with her?"


"Her nose looks swollen!"

"Are you okay?"

"does she have allergies or something?"

"Ohhhh fuckkk...." she moans. Her face starts extending outwards. The pain is too much. She closes her eyes. Her nose broadens even further. It looks moist. Her ears shift upwards and then grow out.

This happened so fast and was so disorienting that she couldn't even end her stream. Her chat is absolutely losing it. Some think it's a weird prank or attempt to go viral. Others are genuinely concerned.

Subscribe for the rest ;) 



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