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Tom Merritt looks at News, Sports and Weather and gives his non-expert opinion on what he considers some of the most notable news of the day. It's like reading the morning paper with Tom. 



Well that sounds like a good idea. The Brits love talking about the weather ☔️


Really liked this experiment. I appreciate the context you provided for the news items, and the international bent as well. I'd love for this to become a weekly show!


What's a paper? ... ha, love the experiments


I liked this concept and hope to see it continue


I did not enjoy this, sorry. A bit too meandering, too slow, and of course one-sided since it was Tom by himself.


Maybe I was having a rough week, but I didn't like any of the experiments. This one was okay and the only one I could finish. I love Tom and his style, honesty, and impartiality. Those qualities are why I subscribe to a tech podcast as an accountant with an interest in tech. I enjoy editor's desk with just Tom. Yet I feel he is at his best with others to bounce the topics off of then engage in good conversation. This one got old after a while. As I respect Tom for being straightforward with me, I'm returning that favor. It's not personal.