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A show about life on the internet. That includes social media, memes, viral videos, and everything in between. In this episode we discuss X, the company formerly known as Twitter, as well as its many competitors. Plus we touch briefly on the "Attenzione Pickpocket" lady and the Pinkydoll trend on TikTok.

Starring Nicole Lee and Karissa Bell

Follow Karissa Bell on X (Twitter)

Follow Nicole Lee on X (Twitter) and BlueSky 

Show Notes:

Elon Musk is rebranding Twitter to X

Twitter's rebrand to X could worsen its legal and financial problems

Twitter becomes X

"The everything app": why Elon Musk wants X to be the WeChat of the west

Is decentralization the future of social media?

Inside Twitter rival's Bluesky first major crisis

Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem

Threads adds chronological feed

"Attenzione pickpocket" vigilante found to have far-right links

A woman on TikTok started talking like a robot for money. Then came the imitators




I liked the direction of the experiment week show, although as the hosts mentioned at the start, due to the prerecording, some of the news, especially around Twitter/X, did seem a bit out of date. The discussion on the emergence of other new twitter alternatives and their relative uses was interesting though, and the viral news were a fun way to end, even if some of the references passed me by (who is milkshake duck?).


No thanks; tried to listen and couldn’t make it past 10 minutes…..


Nicole’s past appearances have left me unsatisfied. Something about her on-air personality just doesn’t seem to work. This was just a lot more of that, along with a guest that also left me feeling the same way. No