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Hello friends,

Welcome back to the DTNS Monthly Update available to all backers at the $1 a month level or more. Each month I briefly update you with what's going on at DTNS and highlight a few awesome patrons in the audience. As it is December I shall put on my robe and Santa hat and commence the merriment!


It's the end of 2016-- as you likely have noticed because you are an astute obersver of the calendar-- and it makes lots of us reflective. I know I've said or written this many times but I'm stunned and disbelieving how supportive this audience has been in keeping this show afloat. There have been many times I've been ready for it all to fall apart and it hasn't, thanks to you.

I may not have made as big of a deal of this as maybe I should-- I don't like to whine-- but 2016 was immensely challenging for us. The Patreon stopped growing and we had to scramble to brainstorm ways to keep people happy and keep it stable. Many of you provided those ideas and we're immensely grateful. We also transitioned from Jennie as daily producer, to a regular advisor and Roger taking over the daily role. That went as smooth as it could be and we're still stoked for Jennie, but it's always a bit of a stress when you move people around.

But all of it. All the worrying, all the work, and all the fears are made worth it by you folks. When I see someone renew a pledge, or send us a supportive email or drop a couple kind words of encouragement, it really does pick me back up and keep me going. 

So thank you. And here's to a fantastic 2017!


Wednesday December 14, - Ben Johnson from Codebreakers on Marketplace will join Scott Johnson and Tom

Unscheduled - We're working on getting Nate and Ian from Tech's Message on for a crossover event!


We'll be stocking up with special episodes for the slow news week between 12/25 and 1/1 as well as giving the DTNS crew a well deserved holiday break.  Here's the schedule

Monday 12/26 - Best of DTNS - The top 5 segments of the year.

Tuesday 12/27 - Most Underrated Stories of 2016

Wednesday 12/28 - Listener Co-Host Show

Thursday 12/29 - Predictions Results Show - How did we do in prediciting 2016?

Friday 12/20 - Predictions for 2017


We're still taking your ideas for the most underrated stories of 2016. So for instance the Note 7 was not an underrated story. It got PLENTY of coverage. But maybe you didn't think startups in Brussels got the attention they deserved. Send us your thoughts! Email feedback@dailytechnewsshow.com with the subject line Underrated.


Don't forget Len is taking orders for his year end "Year of the Superfan" DTNS art. Now through 12/31/16, anyone who orders either the custom or the generic version of the poster will be entered into a drawing to be chosen as the representative Superfan who will appear on the generic poster! Yes, that's right!  You could be the Superfan that represents Daily Tech News Show!


Also DTNS Hoodies now exist: http://dtns.bigcartel.com/product/dtns-hoodie

Including a "Born Ready" version! 


Hooray David Michael who runs our store! 


Roger hit the road this morning and will be ensconced in the LA area starting Wednesday 12/7/. All this means really is he won't be around from the 5-7 for postshow stuff. Otherwise just wish him some positive moving vibes!


Yes the Consumer Electronics Show is coming up the first week of January. It's usually best covered on this show by sitting somehwre with better Internet and reading the articles. But his year I'm forcing myself to head out. I'll be at CES Unveiled and Digital Experience if you're going to be there, keep an eye out and say hi. The show will be early on Tuesday 1/3 for travel, I'll do the show from Las Vegas on Wednesday 1/4 then the show will be later in the day on Thursday 1/5 after I return. But we'll still have all the essential items and announcements covered.


The January 23rd Club

There are a number of folks who have been with us since we launched the Patreon on January 23rd, 2014. Each month we'll recognize a couple of them. This month HUGE thanks to:



Zeab Ahmad

Y'all and everyone who sticks with us are amazing.


Among the folks who've supported us for two years this month are Brandon Fenton, Pedro and Matthew Clay. Thanks to all the December anniversaries!


And we spin the wheel of patrons and say thanks to Ronald Mitton, Jan and Bill Polymenakos!



That's kind of why I didn't make a big deal about it. I didn't want people to support the show because they feel bad. I want people to support the show because they like it and are financially able to do so. The new weekly post for $5 folks and the monthly show for $10 folks are some of the changes.


It is not just DTNS, since the spring i've noticed that the creators i subscribe to have not grown or have gone down a bit. I wonder if Patreon can be a leading economic indicator.