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Netflix adds downloads and DirecTV goes over the top. Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt talk about whether any of this is giving us what we want as viewers. Plus Amazon backs up data by truck.




Hey Tom, are you aware that the Patreon-only feed sounds more muted than the normal feed does? Compare your opening line at 4:01 here vs the start of the mp3 from the dtns.com post. Ever since I started listening to the patreon-only version, I've had to turn up my car stereo to hear you more clearly. In almost all Scott Johnson episodes, he is still very loud and clear, particularly with this episode. (I have to turn Scott down to avoid discomfort when listening to him since he's so loud) Do you do less processing (levelating?) with this audio than with the normal feed?


Yes that feed is a recording of the on air stream from AlohaGeekRadio. As Mir people are starting to subscribe to this feed I'll look into better options to level it. Apologies