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Jenn Cutter talks with Tom Merritt about why toy-based video games aren't just for kids anymore. Plus Samsung recalls a washing machine, Microsoft has a new way of updating Windows and rich text messaging is a mess.




Maybe I'm the only one, but I would really appreciate these daily episode posts not be placed here in the Patreon feed. I am fine with the audio version of the final show, and I want to receive emails for the other things in the feed, as I don't log on to Patreon most days. By putting the show in the Patreon feed here, I either receive an email every single day for a thing that's already showing up in my podcast app, or if I turn them off (which I have) I miss any truly special info that goes into this feed.


David I totally agree. Unfortunately at the moment Patreon only can create the RSS feed for these posts by having them here. I've asked them to give me the option to turn off the email for them. In the meantime I mark each one FULL so they're easy to filter out in email. Not ideal I know but I'll keep on them about it.