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The rewards for the Patreon have remained largely the same since we launched them, with the last big change being the addition of the Slack channel to the Analyst's level.

So we're going to rejigger a few things for October. Here's what we're thinking:

$1 a month - Add a Monthly Show Plans Update written by Tom. (Existing rewards: RSS feed of select audio, name on site)

$5 a month - Add a Weekly Tech Update posting/newsletter. (Existing reward: Treasure Chest)

$10 a month - Add Access to Monthly Freeform discussion audio show. (Existing rewardsL Co-EP title/ Business Cards) 

$20 a month - Add: Analyst Business Cards, (Existing rewards: Slack Channel - Quarterly Analyst Hangout)

Her are some other ideas we're not ready to implement yet but we're kicking around.
Special subscriber titles and rewards based on longevity/amount
Monthly art or sticker delivery
Consider monthly giveaway for people at a certain level. (Could be stuff we don't use anymore like old mixer, purchased electronics, etc..)

Let us know what you think!




Yeah I wish we could get Molly more often too. And she does as well. We'll keep trying!


Longevity rewards a great idea! I love old gear! I assume that we're grandfathered into our old levels (i.e. Analysts Slack not going away).