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Hey bosses,

You'll notice that we changed the goals and there's no longer a Day 6 milestone. If you love Day 6 don't worry it's not going away.

Here's what's going on

1. The progress toward the milestone was stalling
2. While many of you love Day 6 not all of you loved it in the main feed


Pete has a plan to carry Day 6 forward and make it bigger and better on it's own. For now it will be in the DTNS feed but the long-term plan is to transition it out into it's own show outside of the DTNS Patreon.

It will stay in DTNS as long as it needs and Pete will keep you up to date well ahead of any change so you know where to subscribe to the new version when it's ready.

In the meantime we're focusing on a monthly round table show as our next milestone. If you hadn't noticed that goal before, it's a monthly round table discussion of evergreen tech issues with a rotating cast drawn from DTNS Contributors and hosts, including of course me.

HUGE thanks to Peter Wells for the excellent work on Day 6 and for helping hatch this plan that will be a win for all of us.

Let us know what you think and ask questions in the comments below.





The discussion part of DTNS is what I enjoy the most. I am definitely excited about the prospect of a full roundtable discussion!


I enjoy Day 6 a lot and love having that extra weekend episode. It's a pity it never got to every week. I am Australian, so the subject matter suited me but perhaps if Peter had more co-hosts from around the globe others might appreciate the other perspectives . Thanks for all you do DTNS crew and best of luck to Peter.