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Patreon has implemented one of my own  long-asked for features. An RSS Feed exclusively for Patrons. This feed will deliver items exclusive to you the backer for as long as you support the show. 

Starting today, we'll upload the full MP3 of pre and post-show to all patrons. You should get an email with your own personal RSS feed. You can also see it on the patreon.com/dtns page above the listing of the reward tiers.

We may add other exclusive items as well!

What about the Treasure Chest?

$5 a month backers still get exclusive access to the Treasure Chest with all back episodes and other special files as well. But ALL backers will get this new feed.

Attached is the first episode that should show up in the feed. Let me know how it goes!



Ryan Marks

Tom, I'm getting an email for each of these full DTNS postings. In my email settings (<a href="https://www.patreon.com/settings/email),">https://www.patreon.com/settings/email),</a> I have checked the following:When Daily Tech News Show posts content you've paid for When Daily Tech News Show posts free content

Ryan Marks

(Sorry, I pressed enter too soon.) Do you know if it's possible to get the full posts by feed alone, but still get emails for other posts?


This is a great idea but it's annoying to be alerted by the Patreon app everyday, when I already have subscribed to these shows via my podcast app. #firstworldproblem