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Hello wonderful patrons,

Jennie here! I hope you're doing well today. We have some big news to share with you!On March 21st, I’m adding a new role to my ever-expanding repertoire (producer, host, Star Wars enthusiast, donut evaluator) and changing a little bit of what I do at DTNS.

I'm going to become a producer at American Public Media's Marketplace, the excellent public radio show about business and the economy. I'll be doing digital storytelling, which gives me new opportunities to learn, be useful and collaborate with smart, motivated people.

Of course, that last sentence perfectly describes my experience at the Daily Tech News Show these past two years, which is why I'm staying on as senior advisor to DTNS.So what does this mean?

1) Nothing happens to Tom. Tom keeps being Tom and doing all the Tom things that Tom does. 

2) Roger Chang continues his excellent producing work. He will also take on booking guests. Send him your ideas!

3) I get to spend more time thinking about the big picture. How can we continue to grow in a way that feels right? How can we make an already amazing show even more useful to you and people like you?

Those of you who listen to the show as an audio podcast will hear very little change in your day-to-day experience.For those of you who listen/watch the show on Alpha Geek Media or YouTube, there's no way around it - I won't be able to hang out on the pre- and post show. For me, that's a bummer. Spending time with our awesome contributors and guests, with Roger, Ellie, and of course Tom, is the highlight of my day.

But we're committed to finding new ways for me to contribute to the show itself, and I'll always be a part of the DTNS community. We'll be talking more about these changes on the post-show in the days to come, but I want to take a moment to thank Tom Merritt for being such an amazing boss. I've learned so much about technology coverage from him in the past two years, but more than that, he's taught me the true value of this massive "interconnected network of networks"  - especially how it allows us new and powerful ways to directly connect with you. 

So I want to thank YOU for continuing to be the most amazing and positive part of the DTNS experience. Your financial and editorial support create the inexhaustible fuel that powers the Daily Tech News Show.

More than that, you are funding a quiet revolution -  a show about technology that is beholden to no one but YOU. That's more important with every passing day, with every bold new innovation and every clash of security-minded entities. As politicians and corporations with a questionable understanding of our global interconnection nonetheless seek to control it, you make it possible to do a show where those decisions can be subjected to fair-minded and intelligent analysis. 

YOU are the watchers on the wall. And I'll be right there with you. Jennie



We'll miss you Jennie, I haven't been able to catch the pre/post shows on YouTube for a couple months, but I always loved your thoughts on topics both from the show and from just normal conversation. I hope your new position is everything you want and more.


Thank you Neil! And I promise we'll find a way to keep my "normie POV" a recurring part of DTNS. :)


Congratulations Jennie, this is wonderful news and I'm looking forward to hearing your stuff!