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Can You Hearing Me Now? - DTNS 3833 starts at 1549

 We talk about the congressional testimony of tech’s largest CEOs. Tom had a new salad, with more tortilla chips. We spend some time with Pet Talk. How does the wittiness's room rate? Sarah dipping into the mmhmm app. Would piping in crowd noise make the testimony more compelling? 

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang and Joe.

Link to the Show Notes.


Taco Wednesday GDI 3833

We talk about the congressional testimony of tech’s largest CEOs. Tom had a new salad, with more tortilla chips. We spend some time with Pet Talk. How do the witnesses room rate? Sarah dipping into the mmhmm app. Would piping in crowd noise make the testimony more compelling? Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang and Joe.


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