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So. We've been hovering at our current Patreon funding level all summer. That is fine. But it means we've been making no progress towards the video milestone. Here are a few things we've been taking into account.

1. We already do video which many of you say is good enough as is. It just isn't 'official' but you like it fine

2. There are loads of other audio ideas that we can't do right now since any extra funding should be saved for video. We'd like a weekend edition. Maybe an international audition. Maybe a community edition.


One of the reasons I'm asking now, is because Yahoopipes has been deprecated and Shawn, who has volunteered to maintain the unofficial video feed this whole time, as to rework that feed.

We'd like if we could, to just make him official right now as is. 

What do you think?

So here's a question. And please answer.

If we made the current video feed official as is, removed the $20,000 milestone and replaced it with smaller milestones (like at the 17K 18K level etc) for ideas similar to what I described above:

1. Would you be mad and pull your support

2. Would be mad but accept it

3. Be ambivalent since you don't care about any of those things

4. Be happy and accept it

5. Be happy and raise your support to get to those nearer milestones.





#3 maybe #4 I only have interest in the video if I can watch live which is a rare occurrence, the audio however is my morning commute routine.


4 maybe 5. I only watch the unofficial video (and the great post show discussions).


2nd thought. 5 if you chnage your backgrround on the video Tom. I was trrying to think of the number of years I've been watching it daily. Too many to count. Give us a new level to change it and I'm in!