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Hey all,

We try to make it constantly clear how much we appreciate the support everyone gives us that makes DTNS possible. Now more than ever that support is truly appreciated.

We know tough choices are coming for all of us. So we want to get out ahead and let you know that if you need to pull support for DTNS, even just temporarily, we understand. DTNS is still out there for you.

Our free feed has ads but it doesn't cost a thing: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DailyTechNewsShow 

And if you have the flexibility in your schedule, each day at 4:30 PM Eastern (20:30 UTC) we stream the show live at twitch.tv/gooddayinternet.

If you can afford to keep supporting us directly, please do. You'll be helping cover for someone who can't. Direct support is the best way to keep us independent.  It pays for Roger, Sarah and Tom's livelihoods and we are incredibly respectful and appreciative of that.

But just know if you have to cut this cost for a while we have other ways you can support the show and other folks here in our Patreon who can pick you up in the meantime. You can always promote the show to others as a way of support too!

Thanks again. Stay safe. And thanks for helping us keep the tech news understandable in whatever way you can.

Tom, Sarah and Roger.



While you are praying for your first responders, medical staff, and so on, also keep in mind your government employees who also need to work to help keep the basics of government working and may have to come in contact with COVID-19 while keeping your services working the best we can. With that, I can try to help offset someone that can't pay. This is the best daily tech news show I listen to.


Updated my pledge from $2 to $4 to show continued support. Be safe