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We welcome Trisha Hershberger to Good Day Internet and commiserate over tech issues over the week. Plus Trisha shares the specs on her Twitch Streaming PC. Tom regales us with tales of his car's axle breaking and we ask Trisha questions about her plug-in hybrid. We talk with Trisha regarding YouTube vs Twitch in terms with creator support.


GDI NDI - GDI 3664

We join Trisha Hershberger to Good Day Internet and commiserate over tech issues over the week. Plus Trisha shares the specs on her Twitch Streaming PC. Tom regales us with tales of his car's axle breaking and we ask Trisha questions about her plug-in hybrid. We talk with Trisha regarding YouTube vs Twitch in terms with creator support.



Good night Rob. :)


Best show of the year! So good I watched it twice.