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Tom introduces Tim Staley to the GDI audience. Tim explains his McDonald's lunch while we compare the amount of meat on the various sandwiches. Roger shares his ideas for his funeral and wake. Justin shares his idea for his funeral. Being eaten alive by wild African dogs. Roger interjects that Justin would be already dead. Sarah confesses her like for Soylent the meal replacement shake. Sarah, Tom and Justin profess their love for pickled food. Justin shares his experience getting a drink at the Cosmopolitan bar in Las Vegas.


Changing the Pickle Protocol - GDI 3630

Tom introduces Tim Staley to the GDI audience. Tim explains his McDonald's lunch while we compare the amount of meat on the various sandwiches. Roger shares his ideas for his funeral and wake. Justin shares his idea for his funeral. Being eaten alive by wild African dogs. Roger interjects that Justin would be already dead. Sarah confesses her like for Soylent the meal replacement shake. Sarah, Tom and Justin profess their love for pickled food. Justin shares his experience getting a drink at the Cosmopolitan bar in Las Vegas.



Tom & Sara - McD single patties are 1/10 lb so a Double Cheese Burger is 0.20 lb. 1/4 lb'r is 0.25 lb so it's 1/20 lb bigger. The rub is the pricing. It varies store to store so check your local McD for your price but you will find that the 1/4 lb'r is priced much higher than that 1/20th lb should reflect. The best deal is the McDouble. Same meat weight as a Double Cheese but only one slice of cheese. The price is much lower than the double cheese so do you think the 2nd slice of cheese is worth the extra cost? The best value is the McDouble hands down. Your local McD pricing will reveal how much.