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Sky-Hi Hi-Fi Wi-Fi - DTNS 3617 starts 14:13 

Kikki suggests that walking helps defrag the mind. Tom, Sarah and Kikki explain which podcasts they associate with chores and activities. Kikki gives us a quick rundown on the happenings in Portland, OR. Sarah shares her plan for her next Live With Item gadget, Kikki shares her setup for streaming her podcast's video. We discuss the benefits of traffic circles/roundabouts. Tom tech supports Kikki PC issue and we discuss the benefits of hiring a plumber vs DIY. Tom gives us an update on his dogs health 




Great show... about Dr Kikki’s Problem, ask her if her background changes to different picture on a schedule! I had that same type issue & it bugged me for a while. I recently figured it out when noticing the background would change after my computer would lock up! Hope this helps her!