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First of all, every single one of you rock. WE now have Veronica Belmont and Scott Johnson officially on as regular contributors. YOU made this possible. I can't even begin to express how grateful we are. THANK YOU Also: Some people were a little overwhelmed by the size of the previous BitTorrent sync link. So if you want a smaller folder with only the most recent items here's a link for that: https://link.getsync.com/#f=TreasureChest&sz=17E8&t=2&s=QZMA6NT3TFLRFSHWVICGM3F54JSS5HU2QSVWZQEXO7R4Q36YL6WA&i=CJBNB66JHW5BEQVNCSVPHJ5DUELWYRXFM&e=1433094426&v=2.0



Woo hoo!!! I knew we could do it!!


What's in the treasure chest? At 2 Gb, it must be video?