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DTNS Begins at 16:30

Tom has a new experiment and we get deep into what Intellivision is doing, also Roger had a salad and Justin has an exclusive about the airport. And on DTNS: Facebook is looking to acquire security companies it believes bolster the site's security. Who are the possible candidates and what kinds of security expertise is Facebook specifically looking for?




I gotta be honest and say I don't understand what you meant by swapping the feed. Unless you are meaning that gdi will go to $5 patreons and the editor letter will go to $1 patreons. If that it's I'm fine with it as I pay $5 already.


There is an ad free feed of DTNS for all patrons and the RSS that is provided through Patreon that has GDI. Those are the two feeds being referred to


Personally, I’m a DTNS maximalist. I listen to GDI, MVGB, Labs and pretty much any other content that comes on the GDI feed. I’d be in the chat too, if it wasn’t in the middle of my work day. I really enjoy the whole show and feel like GDI isn’t just a way to get to know the crew, but also gives insight on the show as well as the occasional extended discussion. Moving “From the Editor’s Desk”, or possibly all of the Labs content, to the patron-only DTNS feed would mean I’d either stop listening to GDI or need to subscribe to both feeds and then delete the DTNS episodes every day. Perhaps the solution is a third feed with all things not DTNS or GDI, to allow a little more choice for patrons. Or maybe you should ask, “why not both feeds?” If that’s what people want, is it worth the extra effort? Thanks for all your hard work and a wonderful set of shows.