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DTNS begins at: 12:12

Laundry woes, being a good host, more on why people message, water cares, and on DTNS: A virus hits chip-maker TMSC causing delays of iPhone shipments. Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple have removed episodes of Alex Jones's InfoWars for violating rules against harassment, hate speech, and child endangerment. And Movie Pass says it won't raise prices after all.




This is for those DTNS Patrons who want the original video feed with the full GDI GDI 3340 – As Android as Pie (FULL WITH VIDEO) <a href="https://youtu.be/bipHvFO727c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/bipHvFO727c</a> *I will typically publish the video at 1:30-2:30am EST the next morning. or 6:30pm one hour after Tom does that day when I'm able.*


I continue to have problems hearing the Tech in Travel features due to low volume. Today I was able to quantify it. I was l listening to DTNS at volume 19 out of 30. I had to increase the volume to 25 to get the same output. I have the same issue with Tech in Trade. I only listen to the GDI podcast version, so perhaps you are equalizing the volume in your other recordings, but I think this problem existed in the regular podcast as well. This becomes more of a problem when listening over Bluetooth speakers or when driving where I already have the volume turned up higher and don't have easy access to the volume control.


Ok. None of us notice the problem during recording but there are all kinds of things between the file and playback that can cause audio from different sources to sound like they’re different levels even though they aren’t. We’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the feedback Craig. And always feel free to email this stuff to us so we can all see it. Patreon doesn’t have multiple logins so Roger and Sarah won’t see the comments here.