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DTNS begins at: 13:15

See tea, roadkill and shuttles vs. bus routes, and on DTNS: It's our end of month July round table episode. We examine how robust security keys are in everyday life and why moving to physical keys in an digital world makes sense. We discuss the technology used to discover water on Mars and how this will change the idea of space exploration. Plus teens debate the news with peers on Instagram. What are the implications of a free for all mindset to the spread of information and will this alter how these teens will get their news as adults?

Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Shannon Morse, Roger Chang and Rob DeMillo.




This is for those DTNS Patrons who want the original video feed with the full GDI GDI 3334 – July Round-table: Money, Sex & Likes (Len-Prov Edition FULL WITH VIDEO) <a href="https://youtu.be/j2UY4_wDVQM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/j2UY4_wDVQM</a> *I will typically publish the video at 1:30-2:30am EST the next morning. or 6:30pm one hour after Tom does that day when I'm able.*