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Scott got hacked, but let's make some lemonade from that big lemon. How do you get your artwork and other content in front of people in 2018 without becoming a data manager? Scott has some thoughts.




Hey Scott, Yes we do need a web presence because we're seeing data (mainly from ChartBeat and some publishers that revealed their traffic numbers) that traffic is going directly to the site instead of Facebook, Twitter, etc and sites that relied on Facebook have seen a tremendous drop in traffic when FB changed their algorithm to show more of their friends instead of the pages they liked. I've seen people in our online communities that refuse to visit someone's page because "It's on Facebook and I don't want Facebook to track me" Biggest warning to putting everything into one basket is that they can change terms or an algorithm and your done. Have we all forgotten the fallout from last year when Patreon decided to pass on the CC fees to their subscribers, which would have resulted in higher prices which cause some users to see massive subscribers leave their Patreons. And look at Medium in luring Media outlets like Bill Simmons to the site in hopes of revenue sharing with them. Medium killed the program and now those that joined are now on their own. Yes, it is real easy to put everything into one basket. It's free and cheaper than doing it yourself. But a change that's mainly to benefit the company can cause havok to you and your financial well-being.