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Hello bosses, old and new,

This IS the DTNS Monthly Update available to all backers.

Last month's guess the picture was a power board from a Mitsubishi DLP TV. The capacitor blew and a did a CNET video on replacing the capacitor. Nicholas LastName was the first to guess the board and brand and Gregg Hudson even nailed the fact that it was a blown capacitor.  Well done!

Now what is THIS week's picture?


Very excited for May, though I'll be gone for about half of it. I'm out from May 11-May 26, but Sarah and Roger will be holding down the fort, so no worries there.

ALSO the monthly round table will be a bit different, so those of you who hate change, brace yourselves for change. I will record the round table on Tuesday May 22 in Melbourne with Peter Wells and Raj Deut. It may not be streamed live. It will serve as the Monday May 21 episode since Australia is magical future land. Then on the western hemisphere's May 22 it will be back to normal.

To recap so you can prepare yourself

1. Round Table will come out on Monday not Fridau

2. Round table may not be streamed live.

3. There is no number three.


We got 20 more patrons this month than last month!  That's three months in a row of patron growth. And as promised I'm going to meet a tarantula in celebration. Why not? Next month maybe I'll do the show on Linux or something. Who can say? Suggestions welcome.


Did you know you can review Daily Tech News Show every 6 months or so on iTunes? All of you should do this right now! (Unless you just did it) If all of you reviewed us this month we'd shoot up the iTunes charts, more folks would discover us! Yay!


May 7 - Lamarr Wilson/ Microsoft BUILD

May 8 - Patrick Beja/ Google I/O

May 11 - Erin Carson

May 14 - Justin Robert Young

May 18 - Shannon Morse

May 21 - Australia Round Table with Peter Wells and Raj Deut

May 23 - HTC Announcement

May 25 - Shannon Morse

May 28 - NO SHOW - Memorial Day holiday in US


Tom's doing a meetup in Sydney May 15 at 6 PM at Harts Pub at the corner of Essex and Glocester Streets in the Rocks. (Big thanks to @dcolvl for the help scouting)

AND One in Melbourne Tuesday May 22 6 PM (local date/time) at Bartronica, 335 Flinders Ln, along with @peterwells and @rajdeut 



The wheel spins and we say thanks to these folks, and everyone who continues to support the show!

Komei Harada, Angela Caruso, Kish Melwani

The January 23rd Club

There are a number of folks who have been with us since we launched the Patreon on January 23rd, 2014. Each month we'll recognize a couple of them. This month HUGE thanks to:

Patrick Beja

Fredrik Sloberg

Nathan Dyer

You and everyone who sticks with us are amazing.


These are all the people who are celebrating an anniversary of three years with us as of this month! Thanks for sticking with us. (Note, starting in January 2019 we'll start recognizing FIVE year anniversaries. Woohoo!) 

Sadiq Sutherland

Nick Whiting

Dave Kaffine

Yung Trinh

Patrick Lee

Tim ODonnell

Christofer Nelson


Jonathan Danielewicz

Blake Bouchard


Scott Stutzman

Björn Müller

Jeffrey Webber

Mandeep Lehal

Wes Selvey

Adam M

Marcus Edwards


Adam Kane

David Hutchinson

David Patterson

Mai Lu

Mean Buckley

Chris Van Riper

Thomas Stivers

Nathan Johns

Robert Trimble

Khalid Shakir


Chad DEsposito

Kevin Wooster

D. Yeik

Tom Stidham

Jim Cushman

Dan Gardner

Kathleen Messersmith

Doug Inman

Greg Latham

Oscar Hernandez

Matthew Kent


Dan Griffin

Danny Laycock

Nick Donato

Kevin Miner

Tyler Roberts

Pete Patron

Shin Umeda

Aditya Vyas


Rick Haywood

Alan Mackie

Steven Finch

Paul Crouch

Joel Wellhoefer

Philippe Gamache

adam feldman

Ryan Durham


Eric Farrow


Bill Alexander

Helen Streeton

Robert Stephens

Arline Kennedy

Steven Laing

David Jacobs

Jim Lyons

Mike Patnode

Rahul Agarwal

Brian Douglas

Yvonne Beasley

Matthew Widjaja

Chris Wilson

Ken Linde

Dave Lombardo

James Eyrich

Wayne Prince-Davis

Richard Chatters

Rolando Sanchez




Perhaps a Linux show with Kevin Brock. Sounds like maybe enough for 3 or 4 Labs episodes. I'm not a Linux user based on previous bad experiences with Ubuntu versions 7, 8, 9; DSLinux; and a few others (mostly video and printer driver issues), but I've turned on Hyper-V on my Windows 10 desktop and downloaded Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to give it a go.


@Craig Potts - Well thank you for the vote of confidence; however, being passionate isn't always enough to speak on a podcast; though maybe its how people get started with podcasting...who knows. Mainly, despite my own origin story with Linux which is rife with previous Windows ire at a snapshot of my life, I basically endorse its use in concert with other OSes. I love your Lab suggestion. Yes, Linux is perfect for a few Lab episodes for a few reasons: a) its not a mainstream topic which everyone will universally care about (or even want to hear about) b) it can be polarizing as the opinion's of the Geek runs deep in their interest areas (Gaming, General Computing, Security, Production, etc) c) Its not really news; although it can be d) it can be ideological to use desktop Linux personally but not always. Ultimately, the Lab format would give the subject matter a better showing because it allows the portion of listeners who are genuinely curious or inquisitive to broaden their understanding while allowing those who do not care to be broadened in that way to opt out. In my opinion, Linux is better received when you get to choose the red pill versus it being thrust upon you indirectly.