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Hey there folks. Here's the archived version of the hangout Jennie and I did going through the survey results and talking about thoughts for the show. If you missed it, well, now you don't have to. Thanks all!


DTNS Shares the Results of its 2014 Survey

After the day's DTNS, Tom and +Jennie Josephson will share some of the things they learned from the survey of audience members, brainstorm ideas about the show, and take questions from the chat room at irc.dtns.tv.



Super interesting! Thanks for doing the breakdown.


Enjoyed that, Thank You. Fantastic to hear Sarah Lane the other night, that's not to diminish your other guests, must admit I had tears in my eyes and kept thinking, "Yup, the kids are alright" and when Iyaz chimed in too, loved it. Like @ Joeknife, I find people who are anti-ad and then don't contribute strange. If you do change the model, I'd still continue to be a Patreon, a little value for value. Keep up the great work, loving it.