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By now most of you have got an email from Patreon indicating they're changing how they handle fees. Up until now if you pledged $5, Patreon took 5% out of that, as they should, and credit card and Paypal processing fees were also taken out. That meant we ended up usually getting like $4.35 of your pledge. 

We were fine with that but it did cause some Patreon creators to have problems budgeting since the number could fluctuate a lot.

So Patreon is changing that. Now they'll charge a standard 2.9% plus 35 cent processing fee for each pledge. So if you pledge $5, We'll get 4.75 (less Patreon's cut) but you'll pay $5.50. 

For some this is not a big deal other than not being a round number. For others it makes their $1 pledge $1.38 and if they have multiple $1 pledges becomes unruly.

We know Patreon is doing this to help creators and help us take home more of what you want to give us. But we also know it inconveniences some of you.

So, starting now we've added new reward tiers labeled as (fee compensated). If the extra cents are a problem for you, you can pledge at this lower level. It means we get a little less money but it also means you don't have to pay more to back us.

If the few extra cents in processing don't bother you just stay at the standard level and all will be as normal.

We can't offer a lower level than $1 so for those folks check out http://dailytechnewsshow.com/support/ for alternative ways to support the show.

And remember your support here is what keeps the show going and Patreon is the kind of tool that makes it so we can concentrate on the show, so we infinitely thank you for your support here.


Tom, Sarah, Roger and the gang.



Hey someone’s got to pay the credit card fees and Patreon has to make money. Peter robs Paul and drama ensued. Everyone’s got a great point! Hopefully we all find a way to support DTNS in a way that works for there situation. In the mean time I just upped my pledge until things get back to normal.

